Channel: Life as an entrepreneur – Valerie Khoo
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Breaking up is hard to do … but I’ve been doing it anyway

Breaking up is hard to do HERO

Breaking up is hard to do HERO

Breaking up is hard to do. But sometimes you need to take a deep breath, realise when something’s not working – and have the guts to make a clean break.

Anyone who’s initiated a break up will know that it’s tough thing to do. Sometimes, it can take years before you have the guts to separate. And, in the meantime, you live a life that can range from mild dissatisfaction to sheer misery. But sometimes, we crave familiarity and comfort more than the potentially liberating feeling of uncertainty and adventure.

The things we associate ourselves with – partners, associations, jobs, friends – often define us. But when we finally take the plunge to make the chop, we often wonder why we didn’t do it earlier.

I recently wrote about my realisation that I need to let go of many things in my life. And over the past couple of weeks, that’s what I’ve been doing.

1. It’s just not working for me anymore
I started with baby steps: unsubscribing from newsletters and online groups that I no longer get value from.

2. It’s not you, it’s me
I’ve cancelled my subscription to the gym I never go to!

3. We need some new rules
I’ve become more ruthless with my time. We now have stricter policies in place for who and when I’m going to allocate time to.

4. We’ve grown apart, we’ve got different paths
One of the biggest changes I’ve made has been to say goodbye to my Enterprise column for Fairfax. I’ve loved writing this column since 2007 and it’s given me the opportunity to meet some amazing people.

However, today I wrote my last ever post. It’s been such a privilege to write this column but with the Australian Writers’ Centre expanding nationally, it’s time for me to focus on that.

Having a weekly commitment to a column syndicated across six Fairfax news sites can take up a lot of brain space. And ever since I made the decision, I’ve found that I’ve already been able to achieve so much more in my business. Even though it’s only been a couple of weeks since I made the decision – while sitting in Piazza del Popolo on my recent trip to Rome – I’ve already been able to bring some innovative ideas to market.

I knew that freeing up this “space” in my life would be useful. But I had no idea just how big a difference it would make.

It’s almost made the activity of breaking up quite addictive!

When you end a relationship, habit, or long-standing association, it’s natural to feel anxious about whether you’re making the right decision. But the end of an era also signals the beginning of a new one. And the start of a whole new exciting adventure.

Here’s to your own breakups! May they close the doors on what’s not working for you, and open ones that make you smile.

The post Breaking up is hard to do … but I’ve been doing it anyway appeared first on Valerie Khoo.

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